Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wag The Dog

Witness the Pilot episode of the X-files spin-off, Lone Gunmen, which aired in March of 2001.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Inside 9/11

My name is David. This is my testimony, which I do swear before all the Powers That Be is the solemn truth, to the best of my ability to relate it.

Know I am a Canadian citizen and I have lived most of my life in Ottawa, Ontario, the nation's capital.

Know that my father, and his father before him, were career civil servants who served this country with passion, patriotism, and sincere devotion to the public good.

Know that in 2000-2001 I was employed at a supervisory level at a media monitoring firm contracted to National Defense, The Office of the Prime Minister (PMO), The Treasury Board, and other government clients as well as numerous corporate clients. I had a birds-eye view of the nightly news across Canada. I had stumbled into this job by accident at a time when the company was in some upheaval. I did not hold a security clearance of any kind.

Know that at that time I had been friends for six years with several fellows from the Maryland area of the United States. One of them had obtained a doctorate degree in history and had gone to work at the Pentagon as a strategic planner. We shall call him “Frank”. Because we both worked odd hours at stressful jobs, we stayed in near constant communication over the internet during the 2000-2001 period. It is possible that this friend assumed I had a security clearance of some sort to be doing the work I was doing. After swearing me to secrecy, he imparted some information to me, which I will relate to you.

Know that I have kept these secrets for more than ten years, mostly out of a sense of obligation to my friend, partly because of stunned disbelief on my own part, and partly out of regard for my own well-being. I am changing my mind about this now because I have very recently reconsidered my philosophical position on life, the universe, and everything, and I feel that I have an obligation to speak up and say what I know, regardless of what promises my younger self might have made.

This is a record of my observations and experiences in those days.

Know that in 2000, a few weeks after George W Bush won the election, Frank very excitedly related to me that they had "a whole new strategy" coming in. He told me that plans were being drawn up to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, and one other nation which he could not name.

He said that "all options were on the table" and that nuclear airbursts as a ground-clearing measure had been openly discussed.

Under the strictest confidence, he indicated that "invisibility cloak" prototypes were going to be used for special forces operations.

When asked about the morality of such a project, he claimed to be a dedicated absolutist who knew that might was the only right in human affairs.

When asked how this strategy would be sold to the public, he indicated that I would understand everything perfectly in August of 2001.

Shortly thereafter, I covered a news item for the Treasury Board. George Bush had met with Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve. George was clapping Alan on the back and mugging for the cameras. Alan looked like he had just swallowed something very unpleasant. Two days later, the Fed hiked interest rates sharply, citing the need to let some air out of the economy, stating that the red-hot market would not survive the sudden blow of a terrorist attack.

Two months later, the dot-com crash was well underway.

In the weeks leading up to September 11, 2001, Frank was very very busy, but made a point of checking in every morning at approximately 4 am EST to say hello.

On the morning of September 11, he was not online.

After going home around 5:00 am, I went to sleep. I was awakened by a phone call from the office manager at about 10:30 the following morning, and returned to the office to cover the unfolding events of that day.

With some desperation, I looked to see if Frank was safe. He logged on in the early evening of September 12 to assure me and our small online community that he was well, although he regretted that his office had become a smoldering ruin. When pushed, he indicated that he had been off-site conducting "war games" at the time of the attack.

When asked directly if this cataclysm had been the event he had indicated would happen, he directly answered in the negative, and emphasized that he could never knowingly be a part of such a thing.

I pointed out to him that actually, yeah he probably could.

He never spoke to me again, and I have lost touch with him.

In my capacity as a media monitor, I found a story in the (I think) October 21 international edition of Time Magazine about the attacks. The official reason given by The White House to Time Magazine for the failure of air defenses around the Pentagon is that war games were being conducted in an off-site bunker that morning. The war games were a simulation of an attack on the twin towers of the WTC by hijacked airliners.

According to the White House, the actual terrorist attack was "piggy-backed" on the virtual terrorist attack. This is the reason why the SAM batteries that protect the Pentagon failed to work.

I would like to make a few other quick observations based on things that stood out at me in the course of my regular work. In the days following 9/11, Pakistan refused to allow America access to its borders. In quick succession over a few days, Canadian news reported the mysterious deaths of Pakistani embassy workers in three countries: one in South Africa, one in Chile, and one in Ottawa, where I was living and working. The death in Ottawa occurred two blocks from my office, in the following manner; the embassy worker was hit from opposite directions by two cars simultaneously at a busy intersection. Both cars were driving at high speed. His death was ruled an accident. The next day, Pakistan agreed to allow America access to its borders.

I also distinctly remember covering this story: although America had just been attacked, Congress was nearly empty on the day that emergency powers were approved for the President... for the most part, the members of Congress were on vacation at the time. This is how The Patriot Act was passed into law.

Covered for the PMO by another supervisor in our office: several regional newspapers ran strange stories to dispel insistent rumours that this was simply the latest chapter in an ancient war between the Assassins and the Freemasons. This peculiar theory was also soundly ridiculed on a very special episode of "The West Wing" which aired shortly after the attacks. I never knew what to make of that, but I know that it seemed strange that The West Wing would be going out of its way to dismiss a theory that nobody I knew was seriously entertaining at the time.

I swear that everything I have said here is the truth to the best of my knowledge.

A few personal reflections, if I might:

First of all, please know that having experienced all these things first hand, I still more or less doubted my own faculties for the first three years after the event. I didn't wish to become "one of them"... suspicious, paranoid, jumping at shadows. That's how powerful the official story is; even when there are holes in it big enough that a child pick it apart, our desire to believe in the rightness of our way of life will always bias us toward ignoring the information we don't want to process. Well, I should speak only for myself here, I guess.

I should also mention that I did keep some notes, and that I had a geocities website which I updated with news stories as a hobby. Although I had not committed to a narrative, I did express doubts about the veracity of the official story. Shortly after the attacks, the website was taken down. I received one "spook" call about an unrelated issue, and around the same time my mailbox was broken into. I backed off.

I only really made up my mind that this was all a set-up during the early days of the Iraq war. I distinctly recall watching Rumsfeld in a press briefing, explaining with some exasperation to a stubborn reporter that the plans for invading Iraq had been on the shelf until late in 2002. Something clicked with me. Yep! They've been lying all along!

Keeping this information secret has been costly for me spiritually. Soon after these events, I lost all faith in humans, believing them to be stupid, hollow, and deserving of their fates. I sank into a life of hedonism and did my very best to poison myself into an early grave. I do not intend to be overly histrionic here, but these events affected me very deeply. Particularly upsetting to me was that it seemed like people were doing their math very poorly if they accepted without question that two airplanes could knock down three buildings.

I have since reconsidered this position. Humans are not stupid. Americans are not feeble by nature. My feeling is that what is happening here is that we are under hypnosis. Our brains are editing out the information that we cannot bear to think about. Thus, we can believe that two equals three, and this is not a problem for us.

If I had to guess, I would say that we are under hypnosis because we spend several hours a day staring at a flickering hypnosis machine and listening to hypnotic suggestions from paid liars who speak with a hypnotic cadence.

I am telling you now that anyone with even basic training in reasoning will find huge problems with the narrative we were given to accept by the government and the media in the days following September 11, 2001.

But because your subconscious is so powerful, you probably already know this. That is why you are waking up now. The whole time you have been reading this message, you have been feeling a tickle of awakening, and now perhaps you are ready to snap to and experience the first moment of clean consciousness in quite a while.

My feeling on the matter is that the American government, or elements therein, murdered 2000 or more American citizens, an offering to a dark god, to launch the campaign of terror that is culminating now.

So, if I had a chance to address the people of America, it would be to tell them that their government is lying to them, the news is lying to them, and their protectors are lying to them. Everything they are being told about their place in the world is a lie from a pack of lying liars who are lying with every breath they can muster to keep the electorate asleep while the military pursues geostrategic objectives. The organization that orchestrated these events will murder anyone, and their family too, without hesitation, because they are egotists who think of the electorate as less than a piece of shit to be scraped off the heel of their schemes.  Possibly they justify this as being “for the greater good”.

These wars must stop immediately.

I cannot for the moment decide with certainty if Obama is ineffectual, or if he is actually sold on seeing this madness through to the end. I will tell you that if he is re-elected in 2012, he will not repeal the Patriot Act, disband Homeland Security, or bring an end to the endless warfare. I hope Americans consider voting for Ron Paul in 2012. However strongly I disagree with him on many things, his desire to see this come to a stop, as well as his intellectual honesty and real engagement of the issues, merits the highest consideration.

It's probably already far too late, but if there is one last chance for that nation to repair its current system instead of just starting a new one, I think this is it.

I'm sorry to all of you that I waited so long to speak up.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

No Cure For Cancer

Because of Blogger's new shitty format, I will have to link to this video here instead of including it.  Time to move to WordPress, I guess.

Well, this sort of says it all.

II recently overheard some hillbillies on the radio talking about how baking soda could cure cancer.  Seems like a stretch.  Possibly they are referring to this fella's work?

On this website, we are told, "Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud." by Linus Pauling, PhD, Two-Time Nobel Prize Winner.

A Google search of "Monsanto cancer milk" brings up articles like this one.  And there are indications the story is being repressed.

Geez, it's almost like they WANT us to die.

Whatever the case is, it's seeming clear that if you are sick with cancer you need to do your own research.

Friday, April 20, 2012

JFK Speaks

Here's a neat little clip of a JFK speech.

As usual, I intend to make no assertions or allegations of the truth or falsehood of anything said by Mr. Kennedy. I intend only to make this information available, and to note that it exists.

I am not, after all, a "conspiracy theorist". Conspiracies don't exist. Period. Never have. Everything happens in the sun. Always has. To think otherwise would be "crazy".

This new informational paradigm is fascinating.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where to get real news:

This list was cribbed shamelessly from another site whose name escapes me for the time being. Gah, sorry dudes.

What Really Happened
Information Liberation
Strat Risks
Raw Story
Lee Rogers
Michael Snyder
Tony Cartalucci
Madison Ruppert
Citizens for Legit Gov.
Full Specturm Dominance
Information Clearing House
Boiling Frog Post
Global Research
The Peoples Voice
Tom Burghardt
Uncover The News
All Gov.
Media Monarchy
Andrew Gavin Marshall
F. William Engdahl
Corbett Report
Common Dreams
Aftermath News
Steve Quayle
Wayne Madsen
Truth Out
Lew Rockwell
Dissident Voice
Sovereign Independent
Before It's News
News With Views
Jeff Rense
Strike The Root
Old Thinker News
Activist Post
No Agenda News
Empire Burlesque
CNS News
Dark Politricks
Stop The Lie
Amy de Miceli
Rumor Mill News
The Resident
The Brad Blog
Conspiracy Archive
Foreign Policy Journal
Counter Punch
A Little Rebellion
Truth Dig
Truth Is Treason
Real News Network
VOA News
Huffington Post
World Net Daily
Drudge Report
Reality Sandwich
Red Ice
Boing Boing
Short News
Small Government Times
The Blotch
Wide Awake News
News Blok 2
Against The Wall
The Intel Hub
Vigilant Citizen
Amped Status
Federal Jack
The Daily Bell
The Excavator
Phantom Report


Breaking News
Yahoo News
Google News

Community News Aggregators

Business / Economics
Silver and Gold Prices
Max Keiser
Naked Capitalism
Business Insider
Market Watch
Wall Street Journal
RTT News
CNN Money
Business Week
Market Oracle
Money Morning
My Budget 360
The Street
Shadow Stats
Financial Times
Fortune Magazine
Daily Crux
Stock Charts
Zero Hedge
Washingtons's Blog
The Daily Reckoning
Energy Business Review

Milplex / Intel / Defense
Oil Price
Global Post
Public Intelligence
Danger Room
Washington Technology
Defense Industry Daily
Global Security
Geopolitical Monitor
Defense Link
Space War
Defense Tech
Strategy Page
Military Info Tech
Silo Breaker
Strategy Page
Homeland Sec. Newswire

Health & Environment
Natural News
Prevent Disease
Food Freedom
Farm Wars
Medial Express
Natural Society

Major US Newspapers
New York Times
New York Post
New York Daily News
Washington Post
Washington Times
L.A. Times
USA Today

Science / Tech News
Tech Dirt
Ars Technica
Blast Magazine
Science Daily
Popular Science
Tech Eye
New Scientist
Mother Board
Singularity Hub
H+ Magazine
Science Magazine
Seed Magazine
CBR Online
Science News
Scientific American
Spectrum IEEE
Technology Review
ZD Net
Technology News
The Register
Tech News World

6 Trillion Bucks

Here are links to news articles concerning the seizure of 6 FUCKING TRILLION dollars in counterfeit bonds in Italy on February 17th of this year.

Further information can be found on the website Divine Cosmos, which has been covering this story extensively.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Is Ben Fulford full of shit or not?

Benjamin Fulford is the former Asia-Pacific bureau chief of Forbes magazine, and he has some pretty far-out stories to tell.

If you're like me, and still just getting your feet wet with all this intrigue, then you probably have some very sane doubts about the veracity of his information, or about his sanity or sincerity.

We will take the critical rationalist approach of simply looking at facts while reserving judgment.

Here is Ben Fulford ranting at a camera on Japanese television.

The guy sitting off to the side looking sort of menacing is Chodoin Daikaku, who purports to be the head of the world's martial arts societies, instructor to Vladimir Putin, and along with Mr. Fulford, an affiliate of the White Dragon Family in Asia.

"Daikaku Chodoin, 68, is the founder and president of the United World Karate Association, which combines all five iemoto (the traditional branches of the martial art) with an estimated 50 million practitioners around the world. A kyuudan (9th degree black belt) of Goju-ryu, one of Okinawa's "hard-soft" karate styles, Chodoin is a fearless fighter who thrives on going to battle both on and off the dojo floor. His winning streak began in his 20s: He first struck gold with shipbuilding and later made a killing with real estate and stocks. He has used his vast fortune to fight racial discrimination and supported revolutionary movements in Africa, South America and the Middle East. In 1985 Chodoin established the World Black Congress in order to unite Africans and that same year he created the Society of International Outer Space Law to draw up a legal framework that would give all nations equal right to space. Chodoin's desire to heal and save the world struck a chord with Michael Jackson: Since their first meeting in 1997, The King of Pop and the King of karate got along royally. In 1998, Chodoin presented Michael with the Honorary Chairmanship of the United World Karate Association and a godan (fifth degree) black belt."

Here's a picture of Mr. Daikaku with Michael Jackson:

Here is Fulford again, along with a fellow named "Alexander Romanov" who purports to be the grandmaster of the Gnostic Illuminati, issuing an ultimatum to what they call "the cabal" by which they mean the Rothschilds, I guess. Mr. Romanov has a series of videos available on Youtube detailing his claim to the office of AntiChrist.

Fulford is also named in the documents reported on here, a trillion dollar lawsuit filed by The Dragon Family against various parties including The United Nations.

From the document itself:

"Upon information and belief, these Bonds [held by the Dragon Family] have values ranging in the many Thousands of Trillions of United States Dollars, a relatively small portion of which is involved in the claims giving rise to this action.

Each of these currencies, such as the DFFI [Dragon Family Financial Instruments] involved in this action, was and remains duly registered within the Federal Reserve System -- and are directly verifiable by the Federal Reserve through its efficient verification system and screening process."

That brings me to today's proceedings, this post is shared from Ben Fulford's blog and went online today:


It is time to take the ring of power to mount doom

by Benjamin Fulford, April 17, 2012
The battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of the planet has reached a temporary deadlock as the committee of 300 struggles to maintain power even as the rest of the world continues to push for a fair, free and open financial system controlled by the people of the planet. The situation has reached the point where physical action against the committee (mainly in the form of mass arrests) has become the only possible recourse.
One problem, of course, lies in the issue of what to do about the “ring of power,” or the job hitherto referred to as M1, wherein a single individual has ultimate control over the creation and distribution of money. There is no M1 now according to the Swiss government and other sources. Somebody needs to make sure that never again is single individual given such power and that means metaphorically taking the centralized control of finance and dissolving it in the “Mt. Doom,” of the Lord of the Rings to ensure that humanity is once again free from debt slavery and horror.
There were many meetings world-wide last week aimed at accomplishing exactly this.
In Japan a representative of the White Dragon Society met with top Finance Ministry official Eijiro Katsu and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa last Thursday to discuss what to do about the astronomical sums placed inside Federal Reserve Board and Euroclear computers by competing factions.
The answer they gave is that Japan wants to go ahead and start using the funds for the benefit of the planet but that the Japanese authorities needed to proceed cautiously. Translation: They want to make sure they are on the winning side and will keep a low profile until then.
The committee of 300 tried to cash $600 trillion worth of bonds, through Dr. Zvonko Berdik-Albert, “President and CEO of the World Economy & Finance Treasury.” They claimed to represent the Dragon Family Royal Society composed of Asian royal families but as reported last week it turns out to have been an attempt by the committee of 300 to pretend they represented Asia. However, their representative has since ceased all contact with either the White Dragon Society or the Japanese government.
In a different move, Neil Keenan and Keith Scott issued a cease and desist against UBS Chairman Kaspar Villiger and a Singaporean agent by the name of Alex Ling Lee Soon who were caught trying to get their hand on the real dragon family’s funds. Shortly after that UK Prime Minister David Cameron also tried to get his hands on the money but was rebuffed. Keenan and Scott are working on behalf of a Swiss led 134 nation alliance.
In the meantime, the situation in Cabal controlled economies is getting progressively worse by the day. For example, markets in Europe were rattled last week despite feel good talk by various cabal controlled leaders like Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel. The real situation in Europe is as follows* The Greek Government has unfunded liabilities worth 800% of their GDP and their economy shrank by 5% last year. The unemployment rate in Spain is 23% while the youth unemployment rate is 50%. The Portuguese economy is expected to shrink by 5% this year. Italy’s debt is 2.7 times that of the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain). Their chief creditor, the German banking system, meanwhile, is leveraged at 32/1.
Put in simple terms, the European cabal controlled banking system is bankrupt. What this means is that the European people are about to be freed from debt slavery.
In the US as well, institutions like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan etc. are already shadows of their former selves with their CEOs constantly surrounded by lawyers and armed guards.
There were also reports from three different sources from three separate intelligence agencies (MI6, CIA and NSA) that the Bushes, Clintons and other cabal leaders had prepared a hideaway in the Bahamas. A look with Google Earth did reveal two separate locations with air-strips located next to a group of ultra-rich people’s type housing complexes. One of the Islands had a giant Star of David on it clearly visible from a satellite.
However, sources in the Pentagon make it clear the cabalists will not be allowed to leave the United States until they have faced the justice system. These same sources say 800 bankers have already resigned and many arrests have already taken place.
In China as well, there are signs of major change. As noted before, all the top leaders such as Xi Xinping who were supposed to take over the government this year have vanished from the pages of the official Xinhua government news site in April. Clearly some sort of coup d’etat can now be confirmed to have taken place there even though the Western corporate news corps is still only focused on Bo Xilai. The Bo investigation has definitely gone far beyond him.
In Japan too, the yakuza and right wing forces allied with the White Dragon Society are getting impatient and are making plans to detain key cabal operatives for questioning. Major historical changes are becoming increasingly obvious.

As you can see, if this is bullshit or performance art, then it is thoughtfully crafted and runs pretty deep.
It is verifiable that bankers are resigning en masse... see an earlier post on this blog for details.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Recommended Reading

Let's just get on with this:

Anne Romney Trust Fund Invested in Goldman Sachs Fund That Exited Sex Site
Romney amending reports to show Swiss bank income

Obama hosts George H.W. and Jeb Bush at White House

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers

These are some of the links provided by the folks at The White Hats Report

Interesting times!

Two movies to watch

A couple of interesting flicks that merit some attention:

One is the movie Thrive, which can be watched for free here:

The interesting thing about Thrive is that the movement was created by Foster Gamble, from the Proctor and Gamble family... a fact that he is quite up front about. So, take it or leave it, this offers you some indication of what sort of thinking is going on behind the scenes amongst the economic elites of the world.

He blogs knowledgeably about conspiracy theory things like HAARP and chemtrails, but the sources he links to for his information include sites like RT and infowars... not that I have a particular problem with that, but it would be nice to see him dig a bit deeper. Even someone with my resources could troll the infowars site for scary stories.

The other cool movie came out very recently and is called Owned and Operated. Just watch it... the apotheosis of the post-banker generation, seen through the eyes of the internet.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Big Things In Iceland

Iceland has apparently canceled mortgage debt for a portion of the population and intends to hold bankers accountable for plundering the country, as I understand this news report. Seems a bit sensationalistic, but it's encouraging that they mention holding bankers accountable for their problems.

They also have put their former PM on trial. Hrmmm... starting to sound like a good idea...

594 Banker Resignations

Mass Resignations in the financial community.

reblogged from American Kabuki

Abreviations used:

CEO = Chief Executive Officer
CFO = Chief Financial Officer
CIO = Chief Investment Officer also can be Chief Information Officer (head of IT)
COO = Chief Operating Officer
EVP = Executive Vice President
= Chief Risk Officer
INC = Incorporated (can be private held or publically traded shares)
PLC = Public Limited Company (publicly traded shares can be listed or unlisted on stock market)
LTD = Limited Company (privately held)
LLC = American version of LTD, but can have a shareholder/member that is an INC, often hybrids of both
AG = German version of PLC
AB = Swedish version of PLC
SA = Society Anonymous in various latin languages - same as PLC
NV = Dutch version of PLC
BV = Dutch version of LTD
LP = Limited Partners (partnership with limited liability)
REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust

Click here to scroll to latest additions to list, then scroll up.

  1. 9/01/11 (USA NY) Bank of New York Mellon Chief Robert P. Kelly Resigns in a Shake-UP
  2. 9/06/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia confirmed that its CEO Stefaan Decraene had left the company. Its exposures to sovereign debt in the PIIGS nations are larger than its core Tier 1 capital.
  3. 9/08/11 (US OR)PremierWest chairman John Anhorn retires
  4. 9/09/11 (GERMANY) European Central Bank (ECB) governing board member Jürgen Stark, who has resigned
  5. 9/09/11 (US OR) Chief investment officer for the Oregon State Treasury Ron Schmitz resigns.
  6. 9/12/11 (HONG KONG) HSBC Group Hang Seng Bank Non-Executive Director Mark McCombe resigns
  7. 9/12/11 (US PA) First Commonwealth Financial Corp, EVP strategic resources Thaddeus J. Clements resigns
  8. 9/13/11 (US MA) Eastern Bank wealth management head Carol McMullen resigned
  9. 9/14/11 (USA NJ) Columbia Bank CEO Raymond G. Hallock Announces Retirement
  10. 9/14/11 (NEW ZELAND) AMP NZ Office Limited (ANZO), Mark Verbiest has resigned as a director. His resignation arises due to his desire to devote the necessary time and energy to his prospective new role as Chairman of Telecom, assuming the Telecom demerger is sanctioned by Telecom shareholders.
  11. 9/15/11 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley, Chairman John Mack resigns
  12. 9/16/11 (US FL) Atlantic Coast Bank President and Chief Operating Officer Robert Larison retires
  13. 9/18/11 (JORDAN) Central Bank governor Faris Sharaf resigns over policy
  14. 9/19/11 (US MS) COO of Parkway Properties (REIT) William Flatt Resigns
  15. 9/20/11 (SCOTLAND) SCOTTISH WIDOWS (RETIREMENT INVESTMENT SAVINGS FUND) There could be no Scottish representative on the board of Lloyds Banking Group, owner of Bank of Scotland, in future after it announced the departure of Lord Sandy Leitch, the chairman of Scottish Widows and group deputy chairman.
  16. 9/20/11 (JAPAN) BLife Investment Corporation (Diawa House Asset Management) Director Masaomi Yamadaira resigns
  17. 9/20/11 (US HI) First Hawaiian Bank's CEO Don Horner retires
  18. 9/21/11 (AUSTRALIA & NZ) JP Morgan Australia and New Zealand Worldwide Securities Services CEO Jane Perry resigned
  19. 9/23/11 (Singapore) Executive board director Rohit Bhagat has tendered his resignation to the board of BlackRock (Singapore) Limited and BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited.
  20. 9/23/11 (UK) UniCredit FX Global Head Nick Crawford Resigns
  21. 9/25/11 (SWITZERLAND) UBS CEO Oswald Gruebel quits over £1.5bn rogue trader crisis
  22. 9/25/11 (USA CA) American River Bankshares Douglas E. Tow, Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer, will retire from the Company
  23. 9/28/11 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Bank Council: Fritz Studer resigns as per end-April 2012
  24. 9/29/11 (UK) Barclays, Head of UK & European Retail Banking Deanna Oppenheimer resigned.
  25. 9/29/11 (USA NM) New Mexico Pension Fund Director Terry Slattery Resigns
  26. 9/30/11 (SINGAPORE) AIMS AMP CAP INDUSTRIAL REIT, Ms Tang Buck Kiau resigned.
  27. 9/30/11 (ICELAND) Alternate board member of Iceland State Financial Investments Thórdís Bjarnadóttir resigns
  28. 10/01/11 (Iceland)Chairman of Glitnir Bank's Resolution CommitteeÁrni Tómassonresigns
  29. 10/01/11 (USA MO) Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas M. Hoenig retired on Oct. 1, 2011
  30. 10/03/11 (INDIA) The of Euram Bank Asia, president Arun Panchariya, has resigned after being implicated in a stock trading scandal in India.
  31. 10/03/11 (GHANA) Intercontinental Bank Ghana Limited, Managing Director and CEO Albert Mmegwa resigned.
  32. 10/03/11 (USA FL) Quantek Opportunity Fund, portfolio manager Javier Guerra. Arbitration awarded $1 million damages to Aris Multi-Strategy Fund. Quantek Asset Management made false statements to Aris.
  33. 10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief François Gouws of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading.
  34. 10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief Yassine Bouhara of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading.
  35. 10/06/11 (US OR) CEO of CASCADE BANCORP Patricia Moss retires
  36. 10/10/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia (Franco-Belgian bank) its chairman Jean-Luc Dehaene will give up his role on the board of Dexia's Belgian division, which is being sold to the Belgian state as part of a rescue deal, the group said on Monday.
  37. 10/11/11 (UK) BlackRock, head of sterling portfolios and manager of the Corporate Bond fund, Paul Shuttleworth, has resigned after 11 years at the firm.
  38. 10/11/11 (UK) Dynamic Funds, portfolio manager David Taylor has resigned.
  39. 10/11/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Non-Executive Direct Sue Yang resigns for personal reasons.
  40. 10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Katita Palamar resigned.
  41. 10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Bill Farrell resigned.
  42. 10/13/11 (US OR) MBank CEO Rex Brittle resigns
  43. 10/14/11 (USA TX) Deutsche Bank Investment Advisor Griffin Perry resigns, SEC regulations prevented him from campaigning for his father Rick Perry's Presidential campaign.
  44. 10/23/11 (USA) Fairholme Capital Management LLC, Director Charles Fernandez stepped down for personal reasons. Fairholme Fund has lost 26 percent of its net asset value due to bets that have backfired on AIG Inc, Bank of America Corp and Florida-based landowner and developer St Joe Co.
  45. 10/24/11 (ICELAND) Icelandic State Financial Investments board members of Icelandic State Financial Investments have resigned following “outside interference” with their Sept. 30 decision to hire Pall Magnusson, the former political adviser to the island’s industry minister, as chief executive officer. [names and positions have been requested from the reporter on 3/9/12]
  46. 10/24/11 (SINGAPORE) Keppel Corporation Limited, Teo Soon Hoe will resign from his role as group finance director Jan 1.
  47. 10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) CEO B S Deshmukh arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits.
  48. 10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) former CEO A N Kulkarni arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits.
  49. 10/26/11 (US VA) The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, CEO Charles E. Haldeman will retire in 2012
  50. 10/27/11 (USA NY) Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc (KBW) CEO John Duffy stepped aside. Duffy has prostate cancer.
  51. 10/27/11(US WA) Pacific International Bank CEO Woosung "Edward" Park abruptly resigns
  52. 10/29/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp Chairman Guo Shuqing resigns
  53. 10/29/11 (CHINA) Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Chairman Xiang Junbo resigns
  54. 10/31/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet, resigns.
  55. 11/01/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank More directors resign [research still being conducted on the names]
  56. 11/02/11 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group chief executive, António Horta-Osório, is to take leave of absence on health grounds for six to eight weeks, the BBC has reported. (STILL OUT AS OF 2/24/12 - DEFACTO RESIGNATION)
  57. 11/03/11 (POLAND) Nordea Bank Poland, Wlodzimierz Kicinski resigned from as President of the Management Board of Nordea Bank Poland as of the 10th of November.
  58. 11/04/11 (USA NY) MF Global, Jon Corzine, stepped down as chairman and CEO, hired criminal attorney to represent him.
  59. 11/04/11 (SWITZERLAND) Hyposwiss Private Bank Ltd., Director Hans Bodmer resigns from the Board
  60. 11/05/11 (IRELAND)Bank of Ireland announces board shake-up. Director of the Board Denis Donovan resigns
  61. 11/05/11 (IRELAND)Bank of Ireland Des Crowley resigns
  62. 11/05/11 (IRELAND)Bank of Ireland non-executive director Paul Haran resigns
  63. 11/05/11 (IRELAND)Bank of Ireland non-executive director Heather Ann McSharry resigns
  64. 11/05/11 (IRELAND)Bank of Ireland non-executive director Dennis Holt resigns
  65. 11/06/11 (GREECE) Marfin Investment Group. Greek Banking Tycoon Andreas Vgenopoulos surprise resignation from his own firm.
  66. 11/07/11 (SINGAPORE) Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX), CEO Framroze Pochara quits.
  67. 11/07/11 (US MO) President Maurrice Sandfort retires from Bank of Missouri
  68. 11/07/11 (US MN) Bremer Bank President/CEO Gary Bigler retires
  69. 11/08/11 (SINGAPORE) The Singapore Fund, Inc, Austin C. Dowling has resigned as Director of the Fund
  70. 11/09/11 (USA NY) HSBC Israeli desk, managing director Issac Doueck resigned.
  71. 11/09/11 (ISRAEL) HSBC Israeli desk, senior representative Simon Hakim resigned.
  72. 11/09/11 (SWITZERLAND) HSBC Israeli desk, head of Israel Dan Sagi resigned.
  73. 11/09/11 (USA NY) HSBC Israeli desk, ????? resigned.
  74. 11/09/11 (USA NY) HSBC Israeli desk, ????? resigned.
  75. 11/10/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank Lorenzo Bini Smaghi resigned from the European Central Bank’s Executive Board.
  76. 11/11/11 (HONG KONG) Goldman Sachs' Asia Pacific co-head Yusuf Alireza is retiring from the investment bank after 19 years
  77. 11/10/11 (INDIA) UBS The head of India operations at UBS AG , Manisha Girotra, has resigned
  78. 11/15/11 (USA NY) Icahn Enterprises LP, senior managing director of health-care investing, Alex Denner, has resigned.
  79. 11/15/11 (US NJ) GAIN Capital CFO Henry Lyons resigns
  80. 11/16/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) International Monetary Fund Europe, director Antonio Borges resigns for personal reasons.
  81. 11/17/11 (NETHERLANDS) Syntrus Achmea (pensions manager), CIO Marjolein Sol is resigning.
  82. 11/17/11 (INDIA) Nomura India's investment banking head Nipun Goel resigns
  83. 11/17/11 (INDIA) Nomura India's Capital market division head Indraneil Borkakoty resigns
  84. 11/17/11 (INDIA) Nomura India's executive director Shubham Majumder resigns
  85. 11/18/11 (US WA) President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Steven R. Horton retires
  86. 11/18/11 (US MD) Legendary mutual fund manager Bill Miller CIO of Legg Mason Capital Management and portfolio manager of LM Value Trust resigns
  87. 11/18/11 (ICELAND) Horn Invest hf., Director of the Board of Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir resigned
  88. 11/18/11 (ICELAND) CEO of Landsbankinn Steinthór Pálsson resigned from the Board of Horn Invest hf.
  89. 11/18/11 (SCOTLAND) Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited (SWIP) Private Equity Fund, wish to announce the resignation of John Brett from the Board of Directors of the Company, for business reasons.
  90. 11/19/11 (HK)CEO of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong)Peter Wongsteps down
  91. 11/21/11 (JAPAN) UBS’s Japan Investment Banking Chairman Matsui to Resign
  92. 11/22/11(US TX) SWS Group Executive Vice President Paul D. Vinton retires
  93. 11/23/11 (GERMANY) CEO of Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt Andreas Wolf resigns and leaves the boards of Clearstream International S.A., Luxembourg and Deutsche Börse Group
  94. 11/23/12 (USA SC & NC) Bank of the Carolinas, CFO Eric Rhodes resigns for personal reasons. Bank of the Carolinas was delisted from the NASDAQ on 3/9/12
  95. 11/24/12 (IRELAND) AXA Rosenberg Management Ireland Limited, director Simon Vanstone resigns.
  96. 11/28/11 (LATVIA) Latvia’s chief banking regulator, Irena Krumane, said she resigned today, a week after the state took over Latvijas Krajbanka AS (LKB1R), the Baltic News Service reported. The bank regulator suspended operations at Krajbanka, a subsidiary of Lithuania’s Bankas Snoras AB, on Nov. 21 and said around 100 million lati ($191.8 million) was missing. The Lithuanian government seized Snoras on Nov. 16 saying assets reported on the lender’s balance sheet were missing.
  97. 11/29/11 (USA) R. David Land Submits Resignation from the Boards of Directors of Peoples Bancorp. and Seneca National Bank
  98. 11/29/11 (NORWAY) Carnegie ASA’s co-head of investment banking in Norway, Cato Holmsen, has resigned
  99. 11/29/11 (FRANCE) AXA Real Estate Investment Managers, Global head of business development, strategy and research for Kiran Patel, has handed in his resignation. Patel was with the firm for 11 years.
  100. 11/29/11 (US MI)Chairman of Fentura's State BankForrest Shooksteps down
  101. 11/30/11 (LITHUANIA) Lithuania Central Bank, Governor Vitas Vasiliauskas fired Kazimieras Ramonas, head of the banking supervision department, after seizing Bankas Snoras AB, the country’s third-biggest deposit bank.
  102. 11/31/11 (AUSTRALIA) Commonwealth Bank CEO Sir Ralph Norris Australia's highest-paid banker, quits
  103. 12/01/11 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) head Indrani Sugathadasa resigned.
  104. 12/02/11 (PAKISTAN) NIB Bank, Singapore forced resignation of CEO Khawaja Iqbal Hassan, for mismanagement
  105. 12/03/11 (USA SC) South Carolina's $25 billion pension fund chief investor Robert Borden resigned. Borden's resignation comes as the SC Retirement System faces a $13 billion deficit, prompting state lawmakers to call for a massive overhaul of the system.
  106. 12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, chairman of the board and director John Campbell resigns
  107. 12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, CEO Philip Butterfield retires
  108. 12/06/11 (US NV ) Western Liberty Bancorp CFO George Rosenbaum has resigned.
  110. 12/06/11 (US FL) SunTrust Banks Inc.'s Central Florida chairman Ray Sandhagen retires
  111. 12/07/12 (ITALY) CFO of Greater Rome Bank and CEO of Greater Rome Bancshares E. Grey Winstead III resigns
  112. 12/08/11 (USA) Fidelity Global Special Situations Fund, manager Jorma Korhonen resigned.
  113. 12/08/11 (INDIA) Nomura's co-head of equity-linked solutions Neeraj Hora, resigns
  114. 12/09/11 (FRANCE) Kléline, Executive board director Abdallah Hitti resigned. Kléline is an electronic banking arm of the Group BNP PARIBAS .
  115. 12/12/11 (PAPUA NEW GUINEA) Bank South Pacific (BSP) chairman Kostas Constantinou resigned as a director of the Board of Bank of South Pacific Limited and its subsidiaries.
  116. 12/12/11 (PHILIPPINES) Former Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) president Rey David has resigned as board director of the Ongpin-led Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom).
  117. 12/12/11 (US IN)One of Indiana’s best-known bankers, Alvin “Kit” Stolen, is stepping down as president of Salin Bank.
  118. 12/13/11 (US TX)Bank of America director D. Paul Jonesretires
  119. 12/14/11 (MAURITIUS) African Alliance Africa Pioneer Fund I (the "Fund"), Portfolio Manager Paul David Austin Clark resigned
  120. 12/14/11 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs global head Milton R. Berlinski retiring at the end of the year
  121. 12/14/11 (IRELAND) AfricanAlliance I's portfolio manager Paul David Austin Clark resigns
  122. 12/15/11 (UK) Coutts [private bank] Senior private banker James Fleming resigns
  123. 12/16/11 (US WI)President of Westbury BankJim Podewilsresigns
  124. 12/19/11 (CANADA) Holloway Lodging Real Estate Investment Trust (a REIT) CEO Glenn Squires has resigned
  125. 12/19/11 (JAPAN) Citibank Japan CEO, Darren Buckley, resigns after Citibank was punished by regulators for the third time in seven years.
  126. 12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Peter Straarup, who will retire February 15
  127. 12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Eivind Kolding has resigned as Chairman of the Board of Directors and from the three board committees on which he served, He continues as member of Danske Bank’s Board of Directors until he assumes the position of Chairman of the Executive Board on 15 February 2012. On the same day, at the latest, Eivind Kolding will resign from the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group.
  128. 12/20/11 (UK) Prudential (UK) Chairman Harvey McGrath has informed the Board of his intention to retire from the Board in 2012 once a successor has been found.
  129. 12/20/11 (USA MA) Century Bancorp, Inc., Director Roger S. Berkowitz resigned.
  130. 12/21/11 (USA MN) Voyager Bank, fired CEO trade accusations, New details have emerged in Voyager Bank's firing of its CEO in a court filing that accuses him of defrauding the bank of $15 million. The former CEO, Timothy Owens, has sued the bank for wrongful termination and accused the bank of defaming him.
  131. 12/22/11 (Sweden) Nordea Bank's Björn Savén retires from the Board of Directors
  132. 12/22/11 (Sweden)Nordea Bank's Director of the BoardBjörn Savénretire of his own accord
  133. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Chairman Mark Giles quits
  134. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Claire Gargalli quits
  135. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Leslie Disharoon quits
  136. 12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Neal Kassell quits
  137. 12/23/11 (USA) Third Avenue Value Fund, co-manager Marty Whitman is leaving.
  138. 12/23/11 (US NV) Chief financial officer of Western Liberty Bancorp George Rosenbaum resigns
  139. 12/25/11 (Russia)Allianz’s Russian Fund-Management Unit CEOOleg MazurovResigned
  140. 12/28/11 (US IN) STAR Financial Bank's Osborne “Oz” Morgan retires as Anderson resional president
  141. 12/28/11 (US MD) Chairman of First Mariner Bank Ed Hale retires
  142. 12/30/11 (Australia)Credit Suisse’s Head of Australian EquitiesJonathan GurnseyRetires
  143. 12/30/11 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka Commercial Bank's director of the Board Mahendra Amarasuriya resigns
  144. 12/31/11 (US TX) Texas Capital Bank Houston Region chairman Jonathan Clarkson resigns
  145. 12/31/11 (PUERTO RICO) Popular, Inc. (Banco Popular) Michael Masin retires from the Board of Directors
  146. 12/31/11 (US CA) Wells Fargo Senior EVP Mark Oman retires
  147. 12/31/11 (US TX)Executive vice president of SWS Group Paul D. Vinton retires
  148. 12/31/11 (US OH) SVP of CSB Bancorp, Inc. and President and Chief Executive Officer of The Commercial and Savings Bank of Millersburg, Ohio Rick L. Ginther resigns
  149. 1/01/12 (US FL) OptimumBank Larry Willis left the board shortly after he was re-elected at the company shareholder meeting.
  150. 1/01/12 (SINGAPORE) Keppel's group finance director Teo Soon Hoe resigns
  151. 1/01/12 (NIGERIA) United Bank for Africa Plc Victor Osadolor resigns
  152. 1/01/12 (ISRAEL) Israel's Bank Leumi CEO Galia Maor steps down after 16 years
  153. 1/03/12 (GREECE) Marfin Popular Bank Public Co Ltd, Mr Eleftherios Hiliadakis has resigned from the Board of Directors.
  154. 1/03/12 (USA VA) Suffolk Bancorp president and CEO J. Gordon Huszagh steps down
  155. 1/03/12 (USA WI) Michael Falbo, president and CEO of Southport Bank, has resigned just six months after accepting the position.
  156. 1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Neil Kirton resigned from the Board
  157. 1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Atholl Turrell left the Board.
  158. 1/05/12 (UK) Saunderson House [Private Bank] CEO Nick Fletcher steps down
  159. 1/05/12 (USA NY) Blackstone/GSO Senior Floating Rate Term Fund and Blackstone/GSO Long-Short Credit Income Fund announced that John R. O’Neill has resigned.
  160. 1/06/12 (US) CEO of Security Federal Tim Simmons retires
  161. 1/06/12 (JAMAICA) Founding partner Mark Golding resigns from Proven Investments Ltd.
  162. 1/06/12 (JAMAICA) Chairman of Proven Wealth and Proven Investment's management committee Peter Bunting resigns
  163. 1/07/12 (UK) Arab Banking Corporation Intl. Bank (ABCIB) Manama, Bahrain: ABCIB announced retirement of
    CEO Nofal Barbar from its London office.
  164. 1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Chairman Philipp Hildebrand resigns
  165. 1/09/12 (USA WASHINGTON DC) Whitehouse former banker and Chief of Staff William M. Daley resigned
  166. 1/09/12 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley Chief Legal Officer Frank Barron retires.
  167. 1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) Temenos Group AG, provider of core banking software announced the resignation of Mark Austen as a member of the Board of Directors.
  168. 1/10/12 (LIECHTENSTIEN) LLB CEO and chairman Josef Fehr resigned .
  169. 1/10/12 (US DC) Fannie Mae (The Federal National Mortgage Association) Chief Executive Michael J. Williams resigns
  170. 1/10/12 (USA IN) Security Bank of Springfield, president and CEO Steve Cour has announced plans to retire at the end of June.
  171. 1/09/12 (UK) Northern Rock finance director Ann Godbehere quits a year after the bank is nationalisedis standing down to pursue other interests, it was announced yesterday.
  172. 1/11/12 (KAZAKHSTAN) BTA Bank, CEO Marat Zairov resigns for health reasons.
  173. 1/11/12 (SWITZERLAND) La Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild, CEO Claude Messulam resigns, replaced by Christophe de Backer, Claude Messulam to become a director of the bank holding company.
  174. 1/11/12 (UK)Most senior foreign exec at Japan’s Nomura Tarun Jotwaniquits
  175. 1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading Edward K. Eisler retires
  176. 1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading David B. Heller retires
  177. 1/13/12 (IRELAND) National Asset Management Agency, head of lending Graham Emmett is resigning
  178. 1/13/12 (USA DC) World Bank, Vice President for Africa, Oby Ezekwesili will retire from her position at the World Bank in May.
  179. 1/13/12 (ITALY) Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, CEO Antonio Vigniat one of Italy’s biggest and oldest banking groups ousted in top management overhaul
  180. 1/13/12 (Italy) Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, president Giuseppe Mussariat asked to leave
  181. 1/16/12 (UAE - DUBAI) Ajman Bank CEO Mubashar Khokhar resigns
  182. 1/17/12 (CANADA) Cumberland Private Wealth Management CIO John Wilson quit to join another money manager.
  183. 1/17/12 (HONG KONG) Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC Bank) CEO David Conner retires.
  184. 1/17/12 (UK) Morgan Stanley Intl, chairman Walid Chammah is retiring. An inside source speculated that it could mean that the company had suffered exposure to European sovereign debt woes under Chammah's purview.
  185. 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Ali Yousef Al Awwadhy resigned.
  186. 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Miss Anoud Fadhel Al Hathran resigned.
  187. 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Tarek Farid Al Othman resigned.
  188. 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Salem Ali Hassan Al Ali resigned.
  189. 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Majed Ali Oweid Awadh resigned.
  190. 1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Badr Suliman Al Ahmed resigned.
  191. 1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman's securities business David Heller resigns.
  192. 1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman's securities business Edward Eisler resigns.
  193. 1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-head of its investment management division Ed Forst resigns.
  194. 1/18/12 (US NJ) Lakeland Bancorp and Lakeland Bank, Director of the Board Paul G. Viall, Jr. retires.
  195. 1/18/12 (SINGAPORE) Standard Chartered Bank’s global head of fixed income, Remy Klammersto resign
  196. 1/19/12 (UK) Santander, senior director Americas division Francisco Luzón is retiring with a pension pot of about €56m, a package whose generous size is expected to reignite controversy over bankers’ remuneration.
  197. 1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Alaa' Sabaa resigned from board of directors.
  198. 1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Wael EL Mahgary resigned from board of directors.
  199. 1/19/12 (US OH) President and CEO of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati David Hehman retires
  200. 1/20/12 (JAPAN) Normura's head of wholesale banking Jasjit Bhattai quits
  201. 1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) First National Bank's sharia banking division is in a state of flux after it was hit by a corporate governance scandal in which its chief executive, Ebi Patel, was put on "special leave" for almost a month while an internal probe was conducted. Patel has been reinstated, but is facing disciplinary action. Islamic finance forbids the payment and receipt of interest (riba), and investment in some industries. Sharia law states that interest-bearing transactions result in economic ills such as unemployment and high inflation. Trading in derivatives and speculative investment are also forbidden. Sharia law requires all transactions to be backed by tangible assets.
  202. 1/20/12 (USA) TIAA-CREF executive vice president and president of Asset Management, Scott C. Evans resigned
  203. 1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) South African deputy economic development minister Enoch Godongwana quit his post this week in the face of growing outrage in government circles about his involvement in a company that allegedly defrauded clothing factory workers of R100-million of their pension fund money.
  204. 1/20/12 (US GA) Chairman of the Board Morris Downing retires from Colony Bankcorp, Inc.
  205. 1/21/12 (UK) Butterfield Private Bank head Danny Dixon Steps Down
  206. 1/21/12 (SINGAPORE) ANZ Asia's private banking head Nina Aguas resigns as managing director of Asia-Pacific private banking.
  207. 1/21/12 (USA CA) Nara Bancorp (Now called BBCN) President and CEO Min Kim Resigns
  208. 1/21/12 (US TX) City of Weslaco finance director Bret Mann; resigns
  209. 1/22/12 (KENYA) National Bank of Kenya's (NBK) managing director, Mr Reuben Marambii, will resign before year end.
  210. 1/23/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) The South Africa Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (SAVCA) CEO JP Fourie resigned
  211. 1/23/12 (US OH) Ohio Legacy Corp. director of the Board Michael S. Steiner resigns
  212. 1/23/12 (US OH) Ohio Legacy Corp. director of the Board Heather Davis resigns
  213. 1/24/12 (IRELAND) Deutsche International Corporate Services Limited fund, Paul Shevlin resigned as a director
  214. 1/24/12 (US KS) Capitol Federal Financial, Inc., Director of the Board B. B. Andersen retires
  215. 1/24/12 (AUstralia) National Australia Bank currency strategist John Kyriakopoulos Resigns
  216. 1/24/12 (SWITZERLAND) Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, a French clinical immunologist and head of the $22.6 billion fund has abruptly resigned, since revelations about corruption and misspending severely rattled some of its biggest donors. The resignation came on the eve of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, which played a role in its creation a decade ago. A dinner for the public-private fund is planned Thursday with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and major backers Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The shakeup resulted from an internal review to address problems highlighted in Associated Press stories last year about the loss of tens of millions of dollars in grant money because of mismanagement and alleged fraud. Its biggest private donor is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has pledged $1.15 billion and provided it with $650 million so far.
  217. 1/25/12 (Papua New Guinea) Bank South Pacific (BSP) chairman Kostas Constantinou resigned as a director of the Board of Bank of South Pacific Limited and its subsidiaries.
  218. 1/25/12 (UK) SOFIA PROPERTY FUND LIMITED, Gerry Williams has resigned as a Director, following his resignation from Ardel Holdings Limited ("Ardel") where he was CEO. Ardel is the holding company of Ardel Fund Services Limited which provides administration services in Guernsey to the Company.
  219. 1/25/12 (Kazakhstan) Independent Director of Kazakhstan's BTA Bank Konstantin Korishchenko resigns
  220. 1/25/12 (USA NY) Fortress Private Equity, CEO Daniel Madrid (aka Daniel Mudd) has resigned. Madrid was forced to leave in order to deal with SEC allegations. Prior to joining Fortress, Madrid served as Fannie Mae CEO and was forced to resign. SEC sued Madrid and former Freddie Mac CEO Richard West Long (aka Richard Syron) for hiding hundreds of billions of dollars in subprime loans. Madrid denied the SEC allegations saying the US govt. and investors were informed of Fannie Mae’s loan data. and and
  221. 1/26/12 (US NJ)PHH Corp.'s director of the Board James Brinkley retires
  222. 1/27/12 (SINGAPORE) AIMS AMP CAP INDUSTRIAL REIT, Mr Graham Sugden resigned.
  223. 1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group COO Alfie Naidoo would be leaving to pursue personal interests
  224. 1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group chief marketing and communication officer Happy Ntshingila, will be taking up an "exciting position" outside banking
  225. 1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group CEO Daphne Motsepe retires at the end of April after a 10-year career at the bank.
  226. 1/28/12 (US PA)S&T Bank'sBob Routresigns as Chief Financial Officer
  227. 1/29/12 (PORTUGAL) Banco Santander Totta SA executive chairman Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado has resigned
  228. 1/29/12 (NEW ZEALAND) New Zealand Reserve Bank Gov Alan Bollard to Step Down
  229. 1/29/12 (UAE) NBD, Emirates 's investment banking division CEO Suresh Kumar is leaving the bank
  230. 1/30/12 (UK) British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) COO Andrew Graham steps down
  231. 1/30/12 (Malaysia) Dr Choong Tuck Yew has retired as director and chairman of OSK Investment Bank Bhd
  232. 1/31/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland former CEO Fred Goodwin Stripped of Knighthood
  234. 1/31/12 (Italy) Director and member of the Remuneration Committee Carlo Pesenti resigns from Unicredit
  235. 1/31/12 (IRELAND) The Director of Corporate Enforcement Paul Appleby has announced his retirement at the end of next month. Mr. Appleby has held the position for the past 10 years since the office was first established in 2001. He has led the ODCE investigation into Anglo Irish Bank which is almost complete. and
    The Director of Corporate Enforcement "pulls a stroke". The Head of the Garda Investigation team looking into 'events' in Irish banking quits and accepts a job with a bank.
  236. 2/01/12 (US CT) President and CEO of the First National Bank of Suffield George W. Hermann resigns
  237. 2/01/12 (SYRIA) Arab Bank Syria Board member Basma Talal Zein resigns.
  238. 2/01/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA [Barclay's Bank] deputy CEO Louis von Zeuner resigns
  239. 2/01/12 (UK) Lloyds Bankging Group head of wholesale Truett Tate quits
  240. 2/01/12 (UK) Llyods Banking Group Tim Tookey leaving end of February
  241. 2/01/12 (Japan)Credit Suisse’s Paul Kuosteps Down as Japan CEO
  242. 2/02/12 (VENEZUELA) Banking Crisis Arne Chacon arrested for Banking Corruption
  243. 2/02/12 (USA) American Perspective Bank, President and CEO Thomas J. Beene resigned.
  244. 2/02/12 (USA) NIR Group hedge funds, Corey Ribotsky was forced out of NIR by Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, the court-appointed liquidator, following allegations of fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In September, the SEC sued Ribotsky and NIR for taking more than $1 million of investors’ money to buy cars and watches.
  245. 2/02/12 (IRELAND) AXA Rosenberg Management Ireland Limited, director Nathalie Savey resigned.
  246. 2/02/12 (Canada) VP of account management and sales in State Street’s securities finance team in Canada Warren Maynard resigns
  247. 2/03/12 (UK) VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Ltd, Non-Executive Director Horst Geicke has resigned.
  248. 2/03/12 (UK) UBS London trader, Kweku M. Adoboli, was arrested and charged with fraud and false accounting, forcing UBS to announce a $2.3 billion trading loss.
  249. 2/05/12 (USA - NY) Morgan's investment banking chairman Joseph Perella quit
  250. 2/05/12 (USA - NY) Morgan Stanley investment banking Tarek Abdel-Meguid quit
  251. 2/06/12 (INDIA) Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits:
  252. 2/06/12 (USA NY) TD Ameritrade, head of retail distribution John Bunch resigns. Bunch is leaving to take the top job at a small investment advisory firmin Kansas City.
  253. 2/06/12 (CANADA) Director of Sprott Inc. Mark McCain resigns
  254. 2/07/12 (USA) Bank Of America's Mortgage Business Chief Barbara Desoer Retires
  255. 2/07/12 (INDIA) Kotak Mahindra Bank Falguni Nayar quits
  256. 2/07/12 (IRAN) Iran denies central bank resignation rumor (don't believe until its denied?)
  257. 2/07/12 (UK) Agneash Soft Commodities PLC, an investment company in mineral, announced resignation of its Chief Investment Officer Tom Winnifrith .
  258. 2/07/12 (US NY) BlackRock, General counsel Robert P. Connolly leaves
  259. 2/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Group Ltd - Resignation of Group Secretary Loren Wulfsohn
  260. 2/08/12 (USA OH) Cleveland International Fund (CIF) private equity fund, A. Eddy Zai launched and led the Cleveland International Fund, an investment outfit that pairs wealthy foreign investors hoping for U.S. residency with job-creating projects. Zai resigned from his job this week, before being indicted in a bank-fraud scheme that, according to investigators, contributed to the collapse of a credit union in Eastlake.
  261. 2/08/12 (UAE) Emirates NBD makes top-level changes Bank's deputy chief executive officer Abdul Wahed Al Fahim has resigned.
  262. 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 62 year old Monsignor Emilio Messina, the Archdiocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche investigated on money laundering by Italian officials.
  263. 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 49 year old Father Don Salvatore Palumbo of the socially popular parish of San Gaetano
  264. 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 37 year old Father Horace Bonaccorsi of Catania, already tried and acquitted in Sicily for money laundering offenses recycling money through accounts at IOR
  265. 2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka "Vatican Bank"), 85 year old Father Don Evaldo Biasini of Rome. Father Don Evaldo Biasini is known as the "Don of Cash".
  266. 2/09/12 (IRELAND) SPL Investment Funds's director John Davey discharged
  267. 2/09/12 (UKRAINE) National Bank of Ukraine deputy governor Volodymyr Krotiuk quits
  268. 2/09/12 (UK) JP Morgan Chinese Investment Trust PLC, non-executive Director Madam Yujiang Zhao resigned
  269. 2/09/12 (UK) Alliance Trust Savings (ATS), Robert Burgess is stepping down as CEO.
  270. 2/10/12 (NIGERIA) Peace Capital Market Limited Managing Director Sabinus Iroanya Chukwu resigns
  271. 2/10/12 (KOREA) Korea Exchange Bank chief Larry Klane steps down
  272. 2/10/12 (INDIA) Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO A K Jagannathan resigns
  273. 2/13/12 (KUWAIT) Kuwait Central Bank CEO Sheikh Salem Abdulaziz Al Sabbah resigns
  274. 2/13/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs confirmed on Monday that George N. Mattson, one of the firm’s top deal makers in the industrial sector, will retire. He was a senior relationship banker with a client list that included General Motors, General Electric and Caterpillar.
  275. 2/13/12 (HONDURAS) Honduras finance minister William Chong Wong, resigned on Monday after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said the country did not reach its deficit and monetary targets for 2011.
  276. 2/13/12 (US PA) AmerisourceBergen CFO Michael DiCandilo Abruptly Leaves.
  277. 2/13/12 (US NH) New Hampshire Thrift CEO Stephen Ensign retires
  278. 2/13/12 (US NC)SVP and regional executive for Bank of North CarolinaWilliam H. 'Bill' McMurray IIIretires
  279. 2/14/12 (NICARAQUA) Nicaraqua Central Bank President Antenor Rosales resigns
  280. 2/14/12 (UK) Social finance pioneer Malcolm Hayday quits Charity Bank
  281. 2/14/12 (PAKISTAN) National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) chairman Syed Ali Raza resigned
  282. 2/14/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Jeffrey Moslow resigns, an investment banker to companies such as Tyco International Ltd, Nstar, the Boston-based utility, and defense contractor Dyncorp International Inc.
  283. 2/14/12 (US MI) Fentura Financial Inc.'s Douglas Kelley resigns as CFO
  284. 2/14/12 (US NC) North Carolina Bank Commissioner Joseph A. Smith, Jr.Resigns
  285. 2/15/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) HPA - Hospitality Property Fund Limited, chairman Frank Berkeley resigned.
  286. 2/15/12 (USA) Boston Properties (REIT), Executive VP and COO E. Mitchell Norvilleto resigned
  287. 2/15/12 (WORLD) World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns
    Did the White House tell the World Bank president that he's out?
  288. 2/15/12 (CHINA) Morgan non-executive chairman Stanley Stephen Roach will be retiring.
  289. 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Kreditna Banka Maribor CEO Andrej Plos resigns
  290. 2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Ljubljanska Banka d.d. CEO Bozo Jasovic resigns
  291. 2/16/12(CHINA) Goldman Sachs Vice Chairman in Asia Pacific excluding Japan Mark Machin steps down
  292. 2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, CEO Daniel Hattori and CEO of CIFC Corp resigned.
  293. 2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, COO Luke Knecht and CEO of CIFC Corp, resigned both positions.
  294. 2/16/12 (UK) The Financial Services Authority Margaret Cole is to step down
  295. 2/16/12 (GHANA) Databank Group Executive Chair Ken Ofori-Atta steps down
  296. 2/16/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Saudi Hollandi Banks Managing Director Geoffrey Calvert Quits
  297. 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) ANZ Bank Australia CFO Peter Marriott resigns
  298. 2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland Sr Equities Trader Jason Edinburgh Arrested
  299. 2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland director equities bus. Vincent Walsh director Arrested
  300. 2/16/12 (UK) Marex Spectron senior trader Michael Elsom Arrested
  301. 2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austraila CEO Stephen Williams resigns
  302. 2/16/12 (Bermuda) Global Specialised Opportunities 1 Limited Fund's Oliver Betz-Fletcher resigns from the Board of Directors
  303. 2/17/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Coronation Fund Managers CEO Hugo Nelson is stepping down at age of 40.
  304. 2/17/12 (PAKISTAN) PICIC Asset Management Company Limited CFO Ahmed Raza resigns
  305. 2/17/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein out as by summer
  306. 2/17/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Council President Hansueli Raggenbass resigns
  307. 2/17/12 (UK) Insight Investment, asset manager Mike Pinggera has resigned..
  308. 2/17/12 (USA NY) Harbinger Group Inc. CFO Francis T. McCarron has advised the Company of his resignation effective April 30
  309. 2/17/12 (BULGARIA) Bulgaria National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), The managing director Neli Nesheva, resigned after a two-day row about end-of-year bonuses paid by NHIF to its employees.
  310. 2/17/12 (US OH) Chairman and CEO Doyle Lee of First Financial Bank retires
  311. 2/18/12 (PAKISTAN) The Bank of Azad Jammu and Kashmir executive Zulfiqar Abbasi resigns
  312. 2/18/12 (Norway) Terra to Close Equity Trading Desk's CEO Stein Ole Larsen resigns After FSA Report
  313. 2/19/12 (MALTA) Bank of Valletta, director of the Multi-Manager Fund John C. Ripard, has resigned being reprimanded by the MFSA for disposing of his holdings in the Fund whilst in possession of sensitive information which was not available to the public.
  314. 2/20/12 (IRELAND) SPL Investment Funds's director Mike Kirby resigns
  315. 2/20/12 (RUSSIA) Head of Russian Bank Regulator Gennady Melikyan Steps Down
  316. 2/20/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns
  317. 2/20/12 (ISRAEL) Bank Leumi le-Israel Ltd: Zvi Itskovitch resigns
  318. 2/20/12 (USA WA) First Financial Northwest Director Spencer Schneider Quits
  319. 2/21/12 (ARGENTINA) Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) Gen Mgr Benigno Velez, resigns
  320. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Matlub resigns
    conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank
  321. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Selima Ahmad resigns
    conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank
  322. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Musabbir Ahmad resigns
    conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank
  323. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) City General Insurance Co. Ltd director Geasuddin Ahmad resigns
    conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank
  324. 2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Social Islami Bank Limited director Taslima Akter resigns
    conflict of interest with director seat on Eastland Insurance Company Limited
  325. 2/21/12 (JAPAN) CITIBANK JAPAN: Bakhshi is taking over duties from Brian Mccappin, who the bank said in December would resign after the unit was banned for two weeks from trading tied to the London and Tokyo interbank offered rates.
  326. 2/21/12 (Bangladesh) Social Islami Bank Limited's Taslima Akter resigned from the board in compliance with the Insurance Act 2010.
  327. 2/22/12 (US CA) PIMCO, Chairman of the board Vernon Wright resigned from the world's biggest bond fund.
  328. 2/22/12 (US CA) PIMCO board member Gregg Silver resigned from the world's biggest bond fund.
  329. 2/22/12 (HONG KONG) DZ BANK project finance head Tim Meaney quits
  330. 2/22/12 (SINGAPORE) Macquarie International Infrastructure Fund's CEO John Stuart to resign
  331. 2/22/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund Group Chief Howard Wietschner to Retire
  332. 2/22/12 (UK) UBS AG’s (UBSN) Doug McCutcheon, head of Healthcare Banking in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific region, has left Switzerland’s biggest bank after 25 years at the firm.
  333. 2/23/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs Nordic M&A banker Luca Ferrari has decided to retire from the firm, clients included the largest telecommunications operator in Spain the Spanish telecommunications.
  334. 2/23/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Richard Gush resigns from Standard Bank
  335. 2/23/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland Group director John McFarlane resigns.
  336. 2/23/12 (Canada) Bank of Montreal investment banking head Bill Butt to retire
  338. 2/24/12 (GUERNSEY) Spearpoint Limited (SPL) Investment Funds, director Mike Kirby resigns for business reasons.
  339. 2/24/12 (INDIA) Breaking: ICICI Bank GC Pramod Rao resigns
  340. 2/24/12 (HONG KONG) Citigroup Pvt Bank Global Real Estate Kwang Meng Quek Resigns
  341. 2/24/12 (NEW ZEALAND) FSF Executive Director Kirk Hope resigns
  342. 2/24/12 (USA NY) Evercore Partners Head Eduardo Mestre steps down
  343. 2/25/12 (AUSTRALIA AND NZ) Goldman Sachs Chairman Stephen Fitzgerald quits
  344. 2/25/12 (DENMARK) European Investment Bank (EIB), Mr Sigmund Lubanski, of the Kingdom of Denmark tendered his resignation.
  345. 2/25/2012 (LUXEMBOURG) European Investment Bank, director of the Board Sigmund Lubanski resigns
  346. 2/27/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank Americas chief Seth Waugh steps down
  347. 2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) Khaleeji Commercial Bank CEO Ebrahim Ebrahim quits
  348. 2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) - Mumtalakat Holding [Sovereign Wealth Fund] CEO Al Zain resigns
  349. 2/27/12 (FRANCE) Societe Generale’s Investment Banking Chief Michel Péretié Steps Down
  350. 2/27/12 (MALAYSIA) Elaf Bank CEO Dr El Jaroudi resigns
  351. 2/27/12 (GERMANY) Equiduct chairman Artur Fischer steps down
  352. 2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Melli CEO Mahmoud Reza Khaavari Resigns - Flees to Canada!
  353. 2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Saderat CEO Mohammad Jahromi resigns
  354. 2/27/12 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group Glen Moreno steps down
  355. 2/27/12 (SINGAPORE) Standard Chartered Bank, global head of repo and collateralised financing Tanweer Khan resigned.
  356. 2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Hang Seng Bank CEO Margaret Leung Ko May-yee quits
  357. 2/28/12 (CHINA) Bank of China International ECM global head Marshall Nicholson quits
  358. 2/28/12 (SINGAPORE) DBS security head Jim Pasqurell quits, cites health reasons
  359. 2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America's Asia-Pac. mrkts Brian Canniffe quits
  360. 2/28/12 (BELGIUM) KBC's CEO Jan Vanhevel is to retire after a career spanning 41 years.
  361. 2/28/12 (CANADA) Ontario Securities Commission chairwoman Peggy-Anne Brown quits
  362. 2/28/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank manager Colin John Carleton jailed nine years for $3m theft
  363. 2/28/12 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka Com Bank CEO Amitha Gooneratne retires
  364. 2/28/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) REDEFINE INCOME FUND director Gerald Leissner resigns
  365. 2/28/12 (ITALY) UNICREDIT: Chairman Dieter Rampl not available for a new mandate
  366. 2/28/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir David Lees re-appointed Chair of Bank of England and gives notice of resignation at end of 2013
  367. 2/28/12 (IRELAND) State Street Global Advisors Cash Funds plc Director Keith Walsh resigns
  368. 2/28/12 (US IN) Regional chairman of PNC bank in Indy to retire Steve Stitle
  369. 2/29/12 (US KY)PNC Bank regional presidentHarry Richart IIIretires
  370. 2/29/12 (AUSTRALIA) Perpetual portfolio manager Matt Williams steps down
  371. 2/29/12 (UK) Honister Capital CEO Richard Pearson steps down
  372. 2/29/12 (GUYANA) National Investment and Commercial Investments Ltd. (NICIL), Executive Director Winston Brassington resigns, “We feel that (Winston) Brassington knows everything…A to Z about all the transactions,” said Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, as he sounded a warning that controversial figure could be subpoenaed to appear before the Parliamentary Economic Sector Committee.
  373. 2/29/12 (US AR) Human resources and operations manage Wanda Tormey to retire from Decatur State Bank
  374. 2/29/12 (London) Bank of Tokyo's EMEA Loan Syndicate Head Francesco Carobbi Said to Quit
  375. 3/01/12 (MALAYSIA) RHB Bank Bhd deputy managing director Renzo Viegas quits
  376. 3/01/12 (ITALY) Italian Banking Association Chairman Giuseppe Mussari talks to reporters in Rome after he and seven other executives offered to resign in protest over new banking-fee rules included in the government's legislation on boosting competition.
  377. 3/01/12 (USA FL) Florida Venture Forum [Venture Capital] Exec Dir Robin Lester quits
  378. 3/01/12 (USA NY) PineBridge Investments said Win Neuger has resigned as chief executive. Neuger helped build AIG's third party asset management business, PineBridge still manages AIG assets
  379. 3/01/12 (SINGAPORE) UBS Singapore - James Tulley is leaving Switzerland’s largest bank, it is not clear where he is going.
  380. 3/01/12 (USA NH) Piscataqua Savings Bank CEO Jay Gibson retires
  381. 3/01/12 (ICELAND) Iceland’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) fired its director Gunnar Andersen
  382. 3/01/12 (USA OR) Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF) senior RE officer Brad Child will retire
  383. 3/02/12 (USA NC) North Carolina Retirement Systems, Chief investment officer Shawn Wischmeier resigned.
  384. 3/02/12 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp, assistant general manager and head of corporate banking Mickey Mehta quits
  385. 3/02/12 (USA NY) Deutsche Bank Student Loan CEOJohn Hupalo quits to start student loan counseling firm.
  386. 3/02/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir Mervin King resigns in June, Lord Sassoon tipped as replacement.
  387. 3/02/12 (BOTSWANA) Barclays Bank Botswana managing director Wilfred Mpai forced to resign
  388. 3/02/12 (HONG KONG) New Century Group Hong Kong Ltd [investment house and leisure group] Wilson Ng resigns
  389. 3/02/12 (USA NY) Citigroup Richard Parsons to step down as chairman
  390. 3/02/12 (Canada) National Bank Announces the Retirement of Rejean Levesque
  391. 3/03/12 (AUSTRIA) Volksbank AG (VBAG) The contract of CEO Gerald Wenzel will not be extended
  392. 3/03/12 (ETHIOPIA) Dashen Bank’s board dismisses president Leulseged Teferi
  393. 3/03/12 (RUSSIA) Enza Capital KK, Wealthy British banker Philip Townsend (Baron Townsend of Rathmore) and his wife killed at Estonia holiday home ⑆44541444⑈ and and
  394. 3/04/12 (KOREA) Hana Financial Group Inc, prominent figure in the history of South Korean finance Kim Seung-yu , resigns
  395. 3/04/12 (USA NY) JP Morgan prop trading chief Mike Stewart quits
  396. 3/05/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Al Rajhi Bank CEO Abdullah bin Sulaiman Al Rajhi has resigned
  397. 3/5/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager Tony Nutt steps down
  398. 3/05/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager John Hamilton steps down
  399. 3/05/12 (NEW ZEALAND) Insured Group Bill Jeffries has resigned as chairman and director
  400. 3/05/12 (USA) Reliance Bancshares chairman Patrick Gideon resigned
  401. 3/05/12 (UK) Charterhouse partner Gordon Bonnyman is stepping down.
  402. 3/05/12 (UK) HgCapital, partner Lindsay Dibden is leaving after 20 years.
  403. 3/06/12 (FRANCE) Blackstone Group's Paris office leader Jean-Michel Steg will step down
  404. 3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited, Patricia Sutherland has resigned as Executive Director
  405. 3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica’s Financial Services Commission (FSC), Executive director Rohan Barnett, has resigned the position, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and the Public Service announced this afternoon.
  406. 3/06/12 USA CT) Wells Fargo & Co. said that Mackey McDonald, one of the last remaining directors from Wachovia is retiring.
  407. 3/06/12 (USA PA) USA Technologies Inc Bradley M. Tirpak, a nominee of Shareholder Advocates for Value Enhancement,has resigned from its board subsequent to a settlement agreement with the investing group, according to an SEC filing. Provides a network of wireless non-cash transactions, associated financial/network services and energy management. It provides networked credit card and other non-cash systems in the vending, commercial laundry, hospitality and digital imaging industries.
  408. 3/06/12 (UK) Sterling Green Group has announced that Philip Kanas, a non-executive director, has decided to resign
    Sterling Green Group PLC became a cash shell following the disposal of their subsidiaries Taxdebts Ltd, Sterling Green (Mortgages) Ltd and the back books of the clients of Sterling Green Ltd. during December 2011.
  409. 3/06/12 (UK) Aberdeen Asset Management, non-executive director Gerhard Fusenig has resigned from the board.
  410. 3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG's (DB) Chief Risk Officer Hugo Baenzigeri to resign
  411. 3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG's (DB) Chief Operating Officer Hermann-Josef Lamberti to resign
  412. 3/07/12 (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) Dubai Mercantile Exchange announced Thomas Leaver will step down as CEO
  413. 3/07/12 (SCOTLAND) Macfarlane Group Chairman Archie Hunter to step down after 8 years of service
  414. 3/07/12 (USA) BlackRock Emerging Markets Fund co-head Daniel Tubbs, has left the group to pursue other opportunities.
  415. 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Christopher French resigns from board
  416. 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) David Wildermuth resigns from board
  417. 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Matthew Westerman resigns from board
  418. 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) co-head of global mergers and acquisitions Yoel Zaoui resigns
  419. 3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Phil Beatty resigned as head of European power and natural-gas trading
  420. 3/07/12 (SINGAPORE) Nikko Asset Management Timothy McCarthy is retiring as chairman and CEO at the end of the month
  421. 3/07/12 (HONG KONG) UBS Senior Asia Economist Jonathan Anderson Departs
  423. 3/07/12 (FRANCE) Société Générale Private Banking, Daniel Truchi is to step down as head of Société Générale Private Banking
  424. 3/07/12 (AUSTRALIA) Customers Ltd, Tim Wildash has cashed himself out as chief executive of Australia’s largest ATM operator
  425. 3/07/12 (USA CA) CALSTRS, Pascal Villiger, senior private equity portfolio manager at the $145 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System resigns
  426. 3/07/12 (USA) Astaire quits Bank of America Merrill to dance to Barclays Capital’s tune
  427. 3/07/12 (US NH) Susan Goodwin to Retire from Meredith Village Savings Bank
  428. 3/07/12 (US TN) Dwight Grizzell Mountain National president and CEO, retires
  429. 3/08/12 (UK) Schroders, Chairman Michael Miles depart as fees, inflows drop. UK's biggest fund management firm.
  430. 3/08/12 (USA NY) Schroders, CIO Alan Brown is steps down
  431. 3/08/12 (USA IL) CBOE Executive Patrick Fay Put on Leave Amid SEC Probe
  432. 3/08/12 (USA NH & RI) Bristol County Savings Bank president E. Dennis Kelly retires after 35 years
  433. 3/08/12 (GERMANY) Clearstream Banking AG – Katja Rosenkranz To Leave Deutsche Börse Group [stockmarket]
  434. 3/08/12 (UK) B&CE CEO Brian Griffiths is to retire later this year
  435. 3/08/12 (UK) Invesco Trimark Ltd, portfolio manager Dana Love has resigned.
  436. 3/08/12 (ISRAEL) Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer will hand in his shock resignation in the coming days and take up a new position as head of the Bank of Zambia. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz is believed to be furious with Fischer's decision. Treasury officials said he even canceled his participation in the office's annual Purim party in order to convince Fischer to reverse his decision.
  437. 3/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Group Limited (SBK), board member Sir Paul Judge retires.
  438. 3/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Groupl Limited (SBK), board member Sir Sam Jonah retires.
  439. 3/08/12 (Germany) Managing director and European head of securities lending at Deutsche Bank Ben Sofoluwe has left the company
  440. 3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Mongol Bank President Alag Batsukh submitted his resignation letter to Speaker of Parliament D. Demberel at the end of last month. He described his reason for resigning as a lack of support by Parliament.
  441. 3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Asia Pacific Securities, General Manager Narantuguldur Saijrakh recently resigned, to focus on his role as Director of Khan Investment Management, investment advisor to the Khan Mongolia Equity Fund - the first open-ended investment vehicle with monthly dealing that invests in Mongolia related equities listed both domestically and internationally.
  442. 3/09/12 (Côte d’Ivoire) Banque Central des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO) The Ivorian governor of the multi-billion dollar West Africa Francophone bank, Philippe-Henry Dacoury-Tabley, resigned his post.
  443. 3/09/12 (UK) Lazard , co-head of investment banking Alexis de Rosnay quits. De Rosnay specialises in the healthcare sector, he has advised Teva Pharmaceutical and Novartis.
  444. 3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, UK head of portfolio management Martyn Surguy resigned.
  445. 3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, head of discretionary management, Kypros Charalambous, having also stepped down.
  446. 3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, K.J. Kim, responsible for Southeast Asia, resigned
  447. 3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Jimmy Choi, who was in charge of high-yield debt, resigned.
  448. 3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Leonard Ng, a vice-president in Hong Kong resigned.
  449. 3/09/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank of Queensland CFO Ram Kangatharan plans to leave the bank.
  450. 3/09/12 (USA) Cerberus Capital Management LP, CEO Robert Nardelli resigns.
  451. 3/09/12 (US OH) MORPC leader Chester Jourdan resigns
  452. 3/09/12 (US OH) Park National Corp.’s chief financial officer John Kozak retires
  453. 3/10/12 (AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, Rob Chapman opted to quit running its regional subsidiary St George Bank.
  454. 3/10/12 (TURKEY) Garanti Bank, The deputy CEO of Turkish lender Tolga Egemen, has decided to quit.
  455. 3/10/12 (CHINA) Korea Development Bank, Shanghai unit senior manager Stella Wen resigned.
  456. 3/10/12 (HONG KONG) Deutsche Bank, Johan Sudiman resigns as director.
  457. 3/12/12 (USA) John Lewis Partnership Pension Trust, head of investments Andrew Chapman, resigns
  458. 3/12/12 (USA CA) California’s Department of Financial Institutions, commissioner William Haraf resigned. The DFI did not say why he is leaving.
  459. 3/12/12 (KUWAIT) Gulf Bank, Chairman Ali Rashaid Al Bader quits
  460. 3/12/12 (UK and IRELAND) Allfunds Bank, head of UK and Ireland Alan Gadd is stepping down from his role at the end of April.
  461. 3/12/12 (USA) ICAP, CEO of the electronic broking business David Rutter step down following a restructuring of the business.
  462. 3/12/12 (UK) SVG Capital, chairman Nicholas Ferguson resigns. His departure left him well placed to succeed James Murdoch as chairman of BSkyB should the latter bow to investor pressure and step down. Other investors in the satellite broadcaster suggested Ferguson might be seen as too close to Murdoch to win the support of institutional shareholders.
  463. 3/12/12 (UK) Park Hill Group - Blackstone Group’s fundraising advisory arm, Managing Partner of private equity and hedge fund distribution Chris Leach resigns
  464. 3/12/12 (UK) Park Hill Group - Blackstone Group’s fundraising advisory arm, Managing Partner Justin Bower resigns
  465. 3/12/12 (UK) The chief executive David Rutter of the electronic broking business at interdealer broker Icap stepping down.
  466. 3/12/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), CEO Paul Baloyi resigns.
  467. 3/12/12 (USA) Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, CEO Bryan Marsal Resigns Title, Remains on as Adviser
  468. 3/12/12 (USA IL) CME Group Inc, CEO Craig Donohues will step down at year end.
  469. 3/13/12 (USA) Eaton Vance Corp, Treasurer and CFO Robert J. Whelan has stepped down.
  470. 3/12/12 (USA IL) CBOE Holdings Inc. (CBOE), senior compliance executive Patrick Fay has resigned. The options exchange being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Fay had been placed on leave after the SEC began investigating the options-market operator’s oversight of traders.
  471. 3/13/12 (USA) Mithras Investment Trust, chairman Mike Wooderson will step down
  472. 3/13/12 (USA) PHH Mortgage, President Luke Hayden resigned from to pursue what the company calls "other interests."
  473. 3/13/12 (USA) PHH Mortgage, Treasurer Mark Johnson.resigned
  474. 3/13/12 (AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, head of corporate affairs after David Bell decided to step down from the role. Bell is the latest top executive to leave the bank.
  475. 3/13/12 (UK) Capula’s Systemic Trading Head Qiang Dai to Leave Fund
  476. 3/13/12 (UAE) National Bank of Abu Dhabi, CEO Michael Tomalin, will retire from the post in a few months.
  477. 3/13/12 (ISRAEL) Osem Investments Ltd, CEO Gazi Kaplan has tendered his resignation, effective April 2, citing heath reasons. Nestlé SA owns 58.8% of Osem.
  478. 3/13/12 (USA) Paulson & Co.'s, partner and head of the global bank team Robert Lacoursiere has quit to form his own hedge fund
  479. 3/13/12 (AUSTRALIA) ASX Ltd, Chairman David Gonski will step down from his role at Australia’s main stock market operator after being appointed to oversee almost A$90 billion ($95 billion) in the nation’s sovereign-wealth funds.
  480. 3/13/12 (UK) JP Morgan, Asset Management European chief Jamie Broderick is to step down more than 20 years at the firm.
  481. 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Chairman Nicholas Ferguson retires.
  482. 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Director Edgar Koning retires.
  483. 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Director Denis Raeburn retires.
  484. 3/13/12 (UK) SVG Director Francis Finlay retires.
  485. 3/13/12 (UK) Nomura's Kieran Higgins co-head of fixed income for Europe, the Middle East and Africa sacked
  486. 3/13/12 (UK) Nomura Holdings Inc. (8604), Japan’s biggest securities firm, will cut about 30 managers in its fixed income unit based in London, Peter Hornick head of fixed income sales for the Americas sacked
  487. 3/14/12 (UK) Global head of financial institutions strategic financing and solutions at Royal Bank of Scotland Antonion Polverino leaves
  488. 3/14/12 (UK) Goldmand Sachs, executive director and head of the firm’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Greg Smith, is resigning today.
  489. 3/14/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA chairman Garth Griffin to retire
  490. 3/14/12 (UK) WorldSpreads, CEO Conor Foley resigns
  491. 3/15/12 (US WA) HomeStreet Bank, EVP and CFO David Hooston resigns
  492. 3/15/12 (DENMARK) Sparekassen Faaborg board member Steen Grønved Nielsen resigns
  493. 3/15/12 (UK) RBC Capital Markets head of SSA syndicate desk Noel Williams resigns
  494. 3/15/12 (UK) Novia London sales manager Dave Chassell quits
  495. 3/15/12 (US CA) Prosper Finance (online venture captial services) CEO Chris Larsen steps down
  496. 3/15/12 (UK) The Royal British Legion’s (fund) director of corp. communications Stuart Gendall resigns
  497. 3/15/12 (IRELAND) President of Sinn Fein USA (fund) Larry Downes steps down
  498. 3/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Investorfirst CFO and company secretary Ariel Sivikofsky resigns
  499. 3/16/12 (MALAYSIA) Amanah Raya Bhd (trust) managing director Datuk Ahmad Rodzi Pawanteh steps down
  500. 3/16/12 (UK) Towry (investment & fin. advice) Non-exec chairman Glyn Jones steps down
  501. 3/16/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank Chief risk officer (CRO)of Hugo Bänziger steps down
  502. 3/16/12 (US IL) Henderson Global Investors Inc. head of the International Opportunities Fund Iain Clark steps down
  503. 3/16/12 (US CA) Executive VP and Chief Compliance Officer of Heritage Bank of Commerce Margaret Incandela resigns
  504. 3/16/12 (US VA) Genworth Financial board member J. Robert Kerrey resigns to campaign for senate seat
  505. 3/16/12 (UK) CEO of the FSA (Financial Services Authority) Hector Sants to leave>
  506. 3/19/12 (US IA) ISU Foundation (fund), President and CEO of the Dan Saftig to step down
  507. 3/19/12 (BRAZIL) HSBC Brazil CEO Conrado Engel steps down
  508. 3/19/12 (UAE) Finance head at SNR Denton Islamic Sheikh Muddassir Siddiqui resignsto pursue advisory role
  509. 3/19/12 (SWITZERLAND) Julius Baer bank’s chairman Raymond Baer steps down in a “surprise departure”
  510. 3/19/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank, asset management chief Kevin Parker to leave executive committee
  511. 3/19/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank, head of private wealth management Pierre de Weck resigns from executive committee
  512. 3/19/12 (HONG KONG) China Development Bank HK branch CEO Di Weiping retires
  513. 3/19/12 (US ID) SunTrust Bank president and CEO Thomas Rueger to retire
  514. 3/19/12 (SWEDEN) AP6 (private equity) CEO Marianne Dicander Alexandersson steps down
  515. 3/19/12 (SWITZERLAND) FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) Vice-chair Monica Mächler to step down
  516. 3/19/2012 (US DE) David Folk­wein, interim president and chief executive officer of Delaware County Bank, is leaving the position effective June 22
  517. 3/19/12 (Greece) Greek finance minister Venizelos resigns to head Socialist party
  518. 3/19/12 (BRAZIL) HSBC Brazil Chief Executive Conrado Engel Steps Down
  519. 3/16/12 (Cyprus) Cyprus Finance Minister Kikis Orcel resigns in spite of president's plea to stay
  520. 3/20/12 (KUWAIT) National Investments Co. chairman Yousef Al Majid resigns
  521. 3/20/12 (UK) Bank of America, Co-head of distressed debt at Michael Guy resigns
  522. 3/20/12 (US PA) Penseco Financial Services Corp, Former state senator Robert J. Mellow resigns from board
  523. 3/20/12 (US TX) Acquisition chief Dan Magder quits Lone Star Investments
  524. 3/20/12 (NIGERIA) Chairman of House Committee on Capital Markets Hon. Herman Hembe resigns due to allegations of bribery
  525. 3/20/12 (Hong Kong) Head of Deutsche Bank Asia-Pac Loh Boon Chye quits
  526. 3/20/12 (US NY) Deutsche Bank, head of asset management Kevin Parker steps down from executive committee
  527. 3/20/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank, Chairman and CEO Josef Ackermann exits with pension of €18.7 million
  528. 3/20/12 (UK) Coller Capital, CEO Charles Hippsley has left to help lead a Christian organisation in London.
  529. 3/21/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG, Co-head Wolfgang Hammes leaves
  530. 3/21/12 (UK) Aviva Investor’s European equity head John Botham exits
  531. 3/21/12 (CANADA) National Bank’s Ontaria, Atlantic region manager Mike Miller leaves
  532. 3/21/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland Group’s global head of equity prime services Gregory Wagner resigns
  533. 3/21/12 (US DC) Liquidity Services Inc, Chief information officer Eric Dean resigns
  534. 3/21/12 (US NC) Bank of America Corp.’s salesman Michael Miller resigns
  535. 3/21/12 (US NC) Bank of America Corp.’s salesman John Livingstone resigns
  536. 3/21/12 (US NC) Bank of America Corp.’s Michael Case, a director of commercial mortgage security banking, resigns
  537. 3/21/12 (US NC) Bank of America Corp.’s John Eck, a managing director of asset-based trading, resigns
  538. 3/21/12 (US NC) Bank of America Corp.’s Seth Jacker, a managing director of mortgage sales, resigns
  539. 3/21/12 (US NC) Bank of America Corp.’s John McNiff, a managing director who served as co-head of trading in commercial mortgage securities, resigns
  540. 3/21/12 (US NY) JP Morgan's adjustable-rate mortgages trader Roy Kim resigns
  541. 3/21/12 (US NY) JP Morgan's securitized-products salesman John Angelica resigns
  542. 3/21/12 (US NY) JP Morgan's co-head of trading in subprime mortgages Raphael Gonzalez resigns
  543. 3/21/12 (US TN) Chief financial officer for First Security Group, parent of FSGBank, William L. “Chip” Lusk Jr. Leaves.
  544. 3/22/12 (UK) Global equity head Neil Rogan resigns from Henderson Global Investors
  545. 3/22/12 (NETHERLANDS) CIO at Nedlloyd Pension Fund Bert Tibben step down
  546. 3/22/12 (UK) Bank of America Corp, chairman of global banking and markets, Andrea Orcel steps down, goes to UBS
  547. 3/22/12 (UK) Bank of America Corp, Jonathan Moulds steps down, helped build the bank’s over-the-counter derivatives trading business and held positions including global head of rate derivatives trading, head of global derivatives and head of global rates and commodities.
  548. 3/22/12 (CHINA) China Construction Bank, Zhang Enzhao resigns in the wake of bribery and corruption accusations Bank.
  549. 3/22/12 (SWITZERLAND) Lombard Odier Investment Managers, Chief Investment officer for equities Aziz Nahas of , the asset management arm of the Swiss private bank resigns.
  550. 3/23/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse, Peter Weibel will be resigning from the Board of Directors of both Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Suisse AG as of the next Annual General Meeting on April 27, 2012.
  551. 3/23/12 (JAPAN) The head of Asia-Pacific at UBS Global Asset Management Christof Kutscher steps down
  552. 3/25/12 (EGYPT) National Bank of Egypt, CEO Tarek Amer said that he will step down from his position at the end of 2012.
  553. 3/26/12 (HONG KONG) JP Morgan's most senior banker in Asia-Pacific, Gaby Abdelnour, will quit this summer to pursue personal interests
  554. 3/27/12 (ITALY) UniCredit SpA, Dieter Rampl to resign as chairman of the Italian bank, saying he would step down on April 19. Rampl will represent the bank on the board of Mediobanca (MB.MI), a smaller Italian bank in which UniCredit has a stake.
  555. 3/28/12 (RUSSIA) Bank of America sales director, George Kogan, who worked in Moscow leaves firm.
  556. 3/28/12 (RUSSIA) Bank of America, Dir. of equity sales trading, Ekaterina Myasina who worked in Moscow leaves firm.
  557. 3/28/12 (RUSSIA) Bank of America Sales Traders Alexander Orekhov who worked in Moscow left the firm.
  558. 3/28/12 (ZIMBABWE) CBZ Holdings, CEO Nyasha Makuvise has stepped down after serving for 16 years.
  559. 3/29/12 (SRI LANKA) Seylan Bank, Eastman Narangoda steps down.
  560. 3/29/12 (USA CT) Union Savings Bank CEO Jay C. Lent abruptly resigned Thursday, saying his "his heart is no longer into managing the Danbury lender". Lent, who took a three month leave of absence in October, cited personal reasons for his departure after spending 11 years at the bank.
  561. 3/30/12 (INDIA) IDBI Bank has announced that Mr Rakesh Singh, a director, has resigned from the bank's board. This follows his appointment as Chief Secretary of Punjab. Mr Singh, who was additional Secretary in the Department of Financial Services, was a Government nominee in IDBI Bank's board. He took charge as Chief Secretary of Punjab on March 26.
  562. 3/30/12 (UK) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, President of European business, Jonathan Moulds, is set to step down to pursue philanthropic activities, after almost two decades at the bank.
  563. 3/31/12 (HONG KONG) Credit Suisse Hong Kong Private Bank Location Head, James Hong, Steps Down
  564. 4/02/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland, Simon Taylor, head of equities sales trading at Royal Bank of Scotland, has left the to rejoin JP Morgan after four years.
  565. 4/02/12 (AUSTRIA) RZB, CEO Walter Rothensteiner resigned two years before the expiration of his term in office.
  566. 4/02/12 (UK) British Bankers’ Association (BBA), CEO Angela Knight, to step down as CEO in the summer. The BBA is a century-old lobby group that oversees the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR).
  567. 4/02/12 (UK) J.P. Morgan Cazenove, One of London's most prominent bankers was fined 450,000 pounds for passing on inside information in a case that will embarrass his employer J.P. Morgan Cazenove and which marks a push by regulators to target high-profile figures. Top "rainmaker" Ian Hannam resigned on Tuesday, to fight the fine imposed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in relation to 2008 emails that contained information about one of his clients, Heritage Oil. The gruff former special forces soldier, who rose from humble beginnings, is the fifth person to be fined in relation to improper disclosure this year by the regulator, which has previously been accused of being ineffectual in its fight against financial crime. Of the five, Hannam is the most prominent.
  568. 4/02/12 (NETHERLANDS) Rabobank Group Kees Beuving will step down as Chairman of the current Board of Management of Friesland Bank. He is making way for new members of the Board of Management.
  569. 4/02/12 (NETHERLANDS) Rabobank Group Anne Vlaskamp has stated that, after 37 years of service at the bank, he sees this as a natural moment to step down and to give the new Board of Management the space to guide the integration.
  570. 4/02/12 (JAPAN) UBS AG, chief equity strategist Shoji Hirakawa has left the firm
  571. 4/02/12 (JAPAN) UBS AG, Fumihide Goto, an analyst covering makers of electronic parts has left the firm
  572. 4/02/12 (JAPAN) UBS AG, Shinsuke Iwasa, who covered media stocks has left the firm.
  573. 4/02/12 (JAPAN) UBS AG, Aya Fujiki, an insurance company analyst, has also left the company
  574. 4/03/12 (CHILE AND PERU) Deutsche Bank, Chairman for Chile and Peru, José Miguel Alcalde, has resigned after almost twelve years at the institution by his desire to spend more time with his family.
  575. 4/03/12 (INDIA) Avigo Capital Partners buyout specialist Girija Tripathy Quits, To Start Own Fund
  576. 4/03/12 (INDIA) BSE Ltd, Madhu Kannan quits to join Tata Sons. Kannan was instrumental in launching currency derivatives, SME Exchange and derivatives of four global indices trading on the exchange platform.
  577. 4/03/12 (CYPRUS) Bank of Cyprus PLC, Christakis Christofides has resigned as a director effectove March 31, 2012.
  578. 4/04/12 (USA NY) Shearman & Sterling senior partner Rohan Weerasinghe has left the US firm to take up a new role at Citi.
    Weerasinghe will take up his new position as general counsel and company secretary at the Wall Street investment bank.
  579. 4/05/12 (USA NY) Brian Sack to Resign from New York Federal Reserve Bank see also
  580. 4/05/12 (UK) HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA), Europe’s largest bank, said commercial banking chief Sandy Flockhart will step down after 37 years at the company.
  581. 4/05/12 (EGYPT) Credit Agricole Egypt bank, Mohamed Lotfy Mansour resigned from his post as the CEO of the bank. Family members of two Mubarak-era ministers have left their posts on the board of Credit Agricole Egypt bank, state-run news agency MENA reported Tuesday. The Maghrabi and Mansour families together own 17 percent of the Cairo bank’s total capital of LE1.14 billion. Last year, an Egyptian court sentenced Maghrabi to five years in prison on charges of profiteering and abusing public funds.
  582. 4/05/12 (EGYPT) Credit Agricole Egypt bank, Yaseen Mansour resigned as a board member. For details see Mohamed Lotf Mansour above.
  583. 4/05/12 (EGYPT) Credit Agricole Egypt bank, Youssef Mansour resigned as a board member. For details see Mohamed Lotf Mansour above.
  584. 4/06/12 (UAE - DUBAI) Deutsche Bank: MENA, Henry Azzam, the chairman of its Middle East and North Africa operations and one of the region's most senior bankers, has stepped down.
  585. 4/06/12 (UAE - DUBAI) Shuaa Capital CEO Michael Philipp has stepped down
  586. 4/07/12 (MALTA) Fimbank director directors Gérard Lohier resigns
  587. 4/07/12 (MALTA) Fimbank director directors Pierre-Olivier Fragnière resigns
  588. 4/09/12 (USA FL) Florida Bank Chief credit officer Thomas Croom resigned as EVP and chief credit officer of Florida Bank. Croom resigned to pursue other employment opportunities.
  589. 4/09/12 (USA NY) Pioneer Bank CEO Eileen Bagnoli to retire after 40 years.
  590. 4/09/12 (UK) HSBC Holdings plc, Sandy Flockhart is retiring as an executive director
  591. 4/10/12 (USA PA) The Federal Reserve ordered Louis A. DeNaples to step down from his position as chairman of the board of First National Community Bancorp of Dunmore, Pa., following a settlement he reached with prosecutors following perjury charges. DeNaples must also submit a plan for selling his controlling stakes in First National and another bank.
  592. 4/10/12 (POLAND) Bank Millennium SA, CEO Boguslaw Kott, will leave the bank's top job by June 2013 after heading the lender since 1989, Millennium said Tuesday. Millennium's troubled owner, Banco Comercial Portugues S/A (BCP.LB), had put its Polish unit up for sale last year because of a heavy debt load, but dropped the plan after restructuring its balance sheet.
  593. 4/10/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs, co-head of global M&A Yoel Zaoui is stepping down. Zaoui has been with G.S., for 25 years.
  594. 4/13/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank economist Thomas Mayer to step down.
  595. 4/13/12 (USA) Bank of America chief information officer Marc Gordon has quit and embarking on a "personal change in direction" says a statement given to Reuters.
  596. 4/13/12 (USA) Barclays Bank, US wealth unit COO Ian Lowitt to depart
  597. 4/15/12 (JAPAN) Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Hiroshi Okuda, governor of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, has stepped down as an adviser to Toyota Motor Corp after becoming the bank's head as of April 1. Okuda no longer holds a position at the major automaker after the government-owned bank said it was undesirable for Okuda to keep titles at a private company while serving as the bank's head.